Do you need help organizing your time, notes, and other information? Do you get distracted easily? Or tend to procrastinate on your work? There are plenty of tools and apps you can use to support your studies and keep you on track. Some are free, and those you do have to pay for are very affordable.
Tools to Help You Manage Your Time
Good time management is the key to academic success. Without it, student life is a sea of assignments written in panic, pulling all-nighters and missed deadlines.
Google calendar is an excellent tool that can help you track assignments, classes, lectures, and other important tasks and events. You can set reminders that sync across all your devices, so you don’t miss a thing! Like many of Google’s online tools, this one is entirely free.
The myHomework App allows you to track assignments, projects, tests, and classes, and set reminders and notifications. You can sync between all your devices to stay organized even when on the go. Try the free version first, and if you really love it, you can pay £4.99 for an annual membership without ads and other interruptions.

Tools to Help You Learn More, Faster
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a little extra help with challenging concepts and topics? is a platform full of college professors and Ph.D. holders who are available around the clock to answer questions on any topic. Need a question answered urgently, but your usual teacher or tutor is unavailable? Give a go.
Preply can help you find a private homework tutor to give you that extra push you need in your studies. Not only will a tutor help you tackle challenging topics, but they will also help you to stay motivated and on track.
Tools to Keep You Motivated and Focussed
Motivation and focus are great when you have them, but what about those days you just can’t keep your eyes on the prize?
Unstuck is an app for those days you just can’t get yourself going. Identify your state of mind and the app will provide you with the tools and motivators you need to change it.
Self-Control is an app that allows you to take back control of your study time. How many times have you sat down to work and 5 minutes later realized you are mindlessly scrolling through social media posts or hooked on an article on Bored Panda? Well, this app removes the temptation by allowing you to block distracting sites for a fixed period.
Tools to Support Essays, Projects, and Papers
Writing longer-form essays, papers and projects can feel like an insurmountable task. Luckily help is at hand!
Open Culture is a platform that allows you access to articles, papers, podcasts, classes, and audiobooks you can use for research when writing longer form assignments, papers, and projects.
Academised is a platform to help you achieve the highest grades you can. Simply submit the paper you need writing help with, and an experienced writer will help correct any mistakes. This is a paid for service, and the price will depend on the project.
Tools to Help Organise Your Ideas
Sometimes we are just one step away from figuring it all out, but we just can’t connect the dots. Mind mapping tools are here to help.
Text2MindMap is a free app that allows you to create mind maps of all shapes and sizes to help you organize your ideas and thoughts for assignments and revision. You can color code and categorize ideas so you can find the information you need quickly and easily.
Scapple is for those who enjoy throwing all our ideas onto a piece of paper and then making the connections. With this app, you can make notes anywhere on the page and then join related ideas up with arrows and lines. You can also add images and other media to your mega mind maps.
Tech Tools Got Your Back
When it comes to student life, staying on top of it all while also enjoying University life can be a challenge. Choose some of the options above to manage your time, study better, learn more and stave off procrastination. Good luck and happy studying!
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