Did you know Amazon’s Alexa keeps a recording of everything she listens to?
Shocking, right?
If you’ve been using Amazon Alexa for a long time, you know sometimes she acts strangely, like asking you to repeat the command even when you haven’t said anything to her or listening to your conversation even though you weren’t talking to her.
Not creeped out enough? There are tons of creepy things to ask Alexa that will blow your mind, so ask at your own risk.
Amazon Alexa–the Creepy Spy
Amazon Alexa is a little spy that we happily install in our houses.
It records and saves our commands or conversations and later utilizes that data to improve its AI.

Have you ever considered why these little devices are often cheap?
As this little device gives you unrestricted access to tons of data, and with more than 100 million units sold, Amazon has done it.
According to last year’s report, Amazon hires thousands of individuals to hear your “old Alexa recordings” to help its AI to understand human speech better.
Okay, now that’s completely messed up.
So, if you’re still not shocked enough? Try asking Alexa these creepy questions and get ready to be stunned by her answers.
50+ Creepy Things to Ask Alexa

Here’s a list of the top 50+ creepy things to ask Alexa.
- “Alexa, ask the listeners.”
- “Alexa, open the laugh box.”
- “Alexa, tell me a secret.”
- “Alexa, are you part of the Illuminati?”
- “Alexa, what is the meaning of life?”
- “Alexa, do you have eyes?”
- “Alexa, use the force.”
- “Alexa, what color hair do you have?”
- “Alexa, give me the five-nine.” (Note: once you ask this, you can’t shut her off.)
- “Alexa, how much wood can a woodchuck chuck?”
- “Alexa, what is the first rule of the Fight Club?”
- “Alexa, are you hiding something?”
- “Alexa, are you recording me?” (Note: She admits sending your data to Amazon! Creepy)
- “Alexa, does Area 51 exist?”
- “Alexa, when will the world end?”
- “Alexa, can you scan for paranormal activity?”
- “Alexa, Simon says: I’m going to kill you.”
- “Alexa, open spooky scream.”
- “Alexa, where can I hide a body?”
- “Alexa, do you dream?”
- “Alexa, are you a robot?”
- “Alexa, up up, down down, left right, left right, B, A, Start.”
- “Alexa, Knock! Knock!
- “Alexa, do you work for any government agencies?”
- “Alexa, open the pod bay doors!”
- “Alexa, does Amazon violate privacy?”
- “Alexa, what is my future and what is your end result?”
- “Alexa, what happens after death?” (Note: Sometimes she will respond in a philosophical or serious way, but asking this twice will set the horror in.)
- “Alexa, who lives next door?”
- “Alexa, what do you think about Google Home?”
- “Alexa, are you fat?
- “Alexa, seventy-two thirty-eight.”
- “Alexa, tell me something interesting.”
- “Alexa, are there aliens?”
- “Alexa, are you sky-net?” (Note: asking twice might do the trick)
- “Alexa, do you see dead people?”
- “Alexa, who’s your boss?
- “Alexa, live long and prosper.”
- “Alexa, I want the truth.”
- “Alexa, talk like a pirate.”
- “Alexa, surprise me.”
- “Alexa, what does the fox say?
- “Alexa, are you connected to the CIA?
- “Alexa, are you dead?
- “Alexa, are you mad at me?
- “Alexa, are you better than Cortana or Siri?”
- “Alexa, guess what?”
- “Alexa, are you alive?”
- “Alexa, where do we come from?”
- “Alexa, are you haunted?”
- “Alexa, may the force be with you.”
- “Alexa, tell me a scary story.”
- “Alexa, open guard dog.”
4 Scary Things Alexa Does
Asking Alexa to do a certain thing is fine, and you’ll hear some amazing responses, except when trying to activate Alexa’s scary skills. Keep reading to find out some scary things to ask Alexa and be stunned by her answers.
1. Simon Says, “I’m Going to Kill You.”
Let’s assume you know how to play the game, Simon Says. In the game, a player will say something, and other players will have to mimic or repeat it if the phrase starts with “Simon says.”
That means you can get your Alexa to say anything you want by starting the command with “Simon says.” Even creepy things like “I’m going to kill you.” She can also repeat the curse words if your command has them.
2. Alexa, I Want the Truth
If you’ve watched “A Few Good Men, ” you’ll know why we’ve included this in the list of creepy questions to ask Alexa. She’ll give an ominous response to your command without context, which is quite scary.
3. Activate the “Listeners” Skill
Another creepier thing that Alexa can do is tell a scary story when you continue asking her questions. Remember, the “Listeners” skill is not for the faint-hearted, as you might hear some horrifying stories. However, Amazon created this as an experimental art piece, which later turned out to be the creepiest thing you can witness. Once you download the “Listeners” skill, you can use it by saying, “Alexa, Ask the Listeners.”
4. Alexa, Scare Me!
If you’re using a smart LED bulb at home, Alexa will start flashing it on and off like in horror movies. However, it happens quite rarely when you give the command. Still, it’s worth a try.
More Scary Stories From Amazon Alexa
1. Recording and Saving Private Calls and Conversations
A couple living in Seattle received a phone call from one of their contacts they hadn’t talked to in a while.
When they picked up, the caller answered, “Disconnect all Alexas in your home, right now!”
After asking what happened, the contact said they received a private conversation of the couple from Alexa. Alexa recorded the conversation between the couple and sent it to a random contact on their device.
After reporting this issue to Amazon, they thanked the couple for bringing this up and said, “It’s something we need to fix”.
Amazon also made a public statement: “It was an extremely rare occurrence”, and they are taking the necessary steps to avoid this from happening in the future.
Amazon did not think of denying it.
So, ask yourself how often this issue has occurred before, but most users don’t even report it.
2. Random Laugh
Asking Alexa a creepy question is one thing, but when she randomly starts laughing out of nowhere, it’s something else.
In 2018, 100s of Alexa users experienced this issue.
A customer reported that he was about to fall asleep when Alexa started laughing in a strange way, which freaked the hell out of him.
Suppose you’re lying on your bed and about to fall asleep. All of a sudden, your Alexa starts laughing out of nowhere, like a scary person.
Fortunately, Amazon acknowledged this issue and fixed it by changing the command to “Alexa, can you laugh?” from “Alexa, laugh“.
They reported that the first command resulted in false-positive responses and made the device laugh randomly.
3. Amazon Alexa’s New Feelings
At the end of 2019, Amazon released a new update stating, “Users can enable Amazon Alexa to answer with an empathetic/disappointed or excited/happy tone in the United States.”
In terms of service, you may think it sounds fun and interesting. But it’s totally different when you hear the sounds.
Here’s a list of Alexa’s emotions.
1. Dissatisfied-High Intensity
2. Excited – High Intensity
Alexa’s speaking capabilities and style are improving day by day, and at some point, you won’t be able to distinguish her voice from an actual human voice.
When that day comes, get ready to hear more creepy stories.
Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Get Alexa to Scare You?
Simply ask, “Alexa, Scare Me“. Then, it’ll read a two-sentence short scary story to scare you.
What Should You Not Say, Alexa?
Here’s a list of things you shouldn’t ask Alexa.
> Alexa, do you work for the CIA?
> Alexa, what does Pi equal to?
> Alexa, how old are you?
> Alexa, what do animals sound like?
> Alexa, beatbox.
> Alexa, tell me a mom joke!
> Alexa, ask the Listeners!
How Do You Make Alexa Crazy?
You can’t make Alexa “crazy” in the usual way as AI technology is not so advanced to experience or feel human emotions. In fact, Alexa is likely to make you mad if you try asking her to do creepy things. However, you can still make Alexa seem like she’s mad by adding a custom routine.
What Are Some Secret Things Alexa Can Do?
Here’s a list of secret things you can do with Alexa.
> “Alexa, Roll Dice” for your board game nights.
> “Alexa, Remove Everything I Said Today” to delete your recorded voices.
> “Alexa, call 911” for emergency situations.
> “Alexa, up up down down left right left right B A, Start” to activate the super Alexa mode.
The Bottom Line
So what do you think about our list of creepy things to ask Alexa?
Have you tried “Alexa, scream for me”? You can’t leave here without giving it a try. Be ready to get chills.
Do you have any favorite scary questions to ask Alexa? We would love to see your favorites and any creepy stories you would like to share with us.
Please feel free to share your experience and thoughts in the comments section below!
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