Tactical shooters can’t be any better than the experience you get to enjoy in Valorant. However, this can be short-lived if you lack the basic skills required to survive through the game. This is especially true for beginners who run into heavy gunfire fights while they’re novices.
Even with hours of practice, you might still be doing the wrong things the right way. We’ll share 5 tested tips that will help you improve your game massively and also get a step closer to becoming that Valorant pro you’ve always dreamt of. Lastly, don’t forget to visit https://aimclub.io/valorant-aimbot-cheats-hacks/ for the best Valorant cheats.

5 Tips To Becoming a Valotant Pro
1. Familiarize with the characters
One reason why you’re struggling with your game is probably that you don’t know how to use your Agent’s abilities. You should also know what role you’ll like to function in and which hero will suit you best. Getting this depends a whole lot on the skills you have and your Agent’s abilities.
For example, you might have a good aim and also like being the bull in the fight. If that defines you, the best Agents you should go for are Duelists. Some Duelists you can choose from are Reyna, Jett, Phoenix, and Raze. Reyna will be the best Duelist for you if you’re still new to the game.
2. Know when to crouch and otherwise
Many game guides will always advise players to always aim for the head. This is because headshots deal greater damage, but not everyone knows this tip. Beginner players are not bothered about where the bullets land, provided their crosshair is anywhere on the body of the targets.
Professionals in gaming usually maintain the head level position most of the time. Since you cannot tell an opponent’s skill level, the best thing to do is crouch. But note that if you’re playing against a noob, crouching will likely put you in their line of fire. So, have this in mind and act according to the circumstances.
3. Your crosshair can make you suck
If you want to make a headway in your Valorant game, you’ll need all the favors. In addition to other things you can adjust in the game, you can also play around with your crosshair. While this may not sound much like the main thing, it’s a big deal.
First off, you should avoid a large inconsistent crosshair. This is because a crosshair that is too big might reduce your accuracy – make it the smallest it can be. Also, we recommend that you give your crosshair a distinct color that makes it stand out from the background.
4. You can achieve a whole lot by practicing.
If there’s anything you still don’t have a good grasp of, why don’t you try the practice mode? Better known as the Range, Valorant’s practice mode allows you to test many things and improve your overall gaming skills. For instance, the range comes with various training exercises that can help improve your aiming.
Other things we mentioned, such as your map knowledge and settings, are also worth practicing in the range. Also, you’ll get to learn the weapon mechanics and other factors such as recoil and fire rate. In addition, you can experiment with your game settings, such as the sensitivity and crosshair.
5. Master one weapon first.
Anyone who has been stuck with their first sidearm in Valorant wouldn’t miss a chance to lay hold on another weapon fast. While this is just right, you shouldn’t use many different weapons without mastering one first. Here’s why: weapons in Valorant have unique fire rates and recoil.
It will take substantial practice time to master these and other weapon mechanics in Valorant. When you get enough credits, we recommend purchasing the Phantom as it’s the best assault rifle for beginners. This particular gun ensures higher accuracy and range due to its low recoil system. More importantly, get to master it before moving to a newer purchase.
The first thing you should understand when playing Valorant is the ability of the Agent you’re playing as. This will help you utilize your starting sidearm very well. Also, when you’re caught in a gunfight, the safest position to take is crouching.
There are many other things that we have mentioned in the article. But whatever the case may be, you won’t make any progress if you just read and let the information lie dormant. Create some time to practice what you’ve learned in the game and the practice range – it’s the only way to make or measure your progress.
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