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WordPress is widely regarded the top blogging platform available online. When they first enter the exciting world of blogging, many people start with a hosted blog such as Blogger, or one of the minor blogging platforms such as Tumblr or Medium. This is fine, but if you want to maximum control over your blog, or have a desire to blog professionally, you need something better.
The top self-hosted blogging platforms are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal – all are excellent and all are free to use. Of these, WordPress is the most popular ( – the self-hosted version), largely because it is the easiest to use and has most themes and plugins available. Non-technical bloggers with limited coding knowledge can use WordPress immediately, and build their site as they go along.
If all you want to know is the difference between and then the information is here. If you want more advanced information, then we can focus on the self-hosted which is used worldwide by serious bloggers. Self-hosted WordPress offers an excellent introduction to serious blogging and once professionals have used it they very rarely switch.
In this category, we can answer just about any question you have about creating a blog from scratch using WordPress. We can introduce you to some shortcuts and useful tips on WordPress blogging, compare templates and themes, discuss plugins and help you create a competitive good-looking professional blog.
We discuss everything from domain name registration to switching your WordPress blog between web hosts and even changing its name (these are not as easy things to do as you might think). You will be shown how to set up a test site to try out new ideas before transferring them to your main site. We discuss MySQL databases and other technical aspects of blogging that wannabe professional bloggers must understand.
The WordPress category is not only about all things WordPress, but also makes mention of other options such as Blogger. However, since we promote WordPress as our blogging platform of choice, it is the main focus of our site.